Asset Repair Management

Asset repair is the process of restoring a damaged asset to its original working condition, ensuring its longevity and continuous operation. By preventing asset breakdowns, businesses can avoid potential damage to their output and maintain smooth operations.

Set up asset repair management within ERPNext to ensure that your business's assets remain in good condition, speed up the repair process, and increase operational efficiency.

Additionally, you have the option to specify the number of months a repair may extend the asset's life and capitalize the repair cost on the asset's value.

To configure asset repair on your ERPNext instance, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Asset Repair list and select New.
  2. Choose the Asset and the Failure Date.
  3. Input the Repair Cost and Save.
  4. According to the status of repair, specify whether it is 'Pending', 'Completed' or 'Cancelled'.
  5. Select a Purchase Invoice if the Repair Cost exceeds zero.
  6. Save and Submit.